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Welcome to Our Blog!

Photo: Parc Güell
We're glad you found our page. This blog is about two girls myself, Iye, and Rosanna, college students from Ohio State University who set out on an amazing adventure to the lively city of Barcelona. By mere coincidence Rosanna and I crossed paths at a birthday party of our mutual friend Dena. We new right away that we would become instant friends. After introducing ourselves to one another we discovered that we were both Spanish majors about to embark in our senior year at OSU. Our paths crossed once again one fall quarter when we both enrolled in the same course about Spanish culture by coincidence. And since then we have become good friends. We discussed our passion about Spanish culture and language one day over coffee and decided we should jet set to Spain and immerse ourselves in the language and culture. Visiting Barcelona has always been a dream of mine due to the vibrant art scene and sprawling fashion industry and not to mention my love of the Catalan language. And Rosanna being a big fan of FC Barcelona we decided it would be the ideal backdrop for our excursion. Barcelona being the second largest metropolis of Spain there's so much to do and so much to there's no way we could go wrong.This blog documents our journey discovering this booming, lively and fascinating city. If you are ever thinking about traveling to Barcelona you will find wonderful ideas and what to see, taste, buy, and do while in this goregous metropolis.


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About Us

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We are two friends from The Ohio State University who traveled to Barcelona, Spain looking for excitement, fun, and adventure. Follow our blog to read our story.

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